Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Life is somewhat routine right now. As much as it can be anyway.

I've been backwards and forwards with work and made a few new partnerships with projects whilst doing it.

It's the calm before the exciement and celebrations of Easter. I'm not paricularly fussed by all the preparations for Easter this year, as I have a pretty practiced plan. I'm just waiting for a spanner to be thrown in the works!

April is gonna be a busy month... I'll be in Essex for quite a bit of it, with lots of family celebrations. I hope there will be lots of pictures.

Apart from the mammouth amount of driving I've had to do, I'm really quite enjoying the routine. It's nice knowing that there is one specific night of the week that all I have to do is watch tv!

So I'm pretty settled as it goes, I know where I am, what I am doing and how to go about it. Doesn't stop God shaking me up daily with the verses that appear on my phone for the Challenge.

Today's verse Luke 12:48 "From whom much is given, much will be required"

My initial thought was, oh ok! I don't think I've been given much, then a small child cried on me at Breakfast Club and suddenly I realise all the responsibility that comes with working with young people. My thoughts went from ok to argh. But it's fine because God knows those thoughts too!

Monday, March 15, 2010

More Weekend Stories

It seems I do not need to tell the story of the weekend... my Dad and sister have already told the weekend stories!

You can read their accounts... It was a really good weekend, except for the driving in Central London part.

That's all I have for now (it's Glee time!).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekend Away end all weekends away!

It seems that the last weekend wins the award for 'most likely to be anywhere other than home' weekend...

Last year I was at home, 2008 was St Albans, 2007 was Alpha with Liz and Ant in Ashby, 2006 was the farm with gappies, 2005 was St Albans... 2004 I wouldn't have a clue, as I only started blogging the week after! Ha ha, suddenly having an online diary seems particularly useful.

So I think the very long winded point I'm trying to make is, last weekend the youth group I co-lead spent time away. We went to Phasels Wood (for Liz). The last time I was there was 5 years ago with TGI's and St Mary's. Strangest thing to be back there again, this time in charge and ultimately responsible, showing how far I have come in 5 years.

Looking back over the blogs I've written, I realise just how far I have come. But that's for another day.

Last time I didn't do Potholing, and I don't remember my abseiling experience (if i had one). This time I conquered my fear and went down the dark hole (earning me the nick name Alice).

The young people who are part of this group are absolute angels. I can't stress how well behaved they really are. This makes my life easier. The only real problem is my inability to give clear instructions some times.

Liz taught us about Revelation. She did such a brilliant job. Pitched just right, and with amazing insight. I'm proud of my little sister!

No accidents or major problems. All in all I survived better than my colleague, and I have made it to Wednesday without feeling massively exhausted. I think I can chalk this up as a success.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Naturally Supernatural

St Hugh's 16+ headed off to join a conference at Soul Survivor Watford last Thursday. Naturally Supernatural was all about the Holy Spirit. Ken Costa was speaking on the comfort side of the Holy Spirit.

Once I understood the real meaning of comfort, I have really latched on to it as something that gets me through all days. For the rare moments when I feel as though no one is on my side. And for the moments when it's all going swimmingly well. God is there cheering me on. 2 Corinthians 1 mentions the God of All Comfort.

It's good to be in a different place hearing these things, even if Ken was using words I didn't understand, I got the general idea behind what he was saying. I love the way that God takes the words of others and uses them to talk to every one individually.

The Saturday before last was a perfect example of this, the Spirit of the Lord was upon me and He has anointed me! I used my gift well last weekend and got a bit of money from the community for my trouble. It was enjoyable. God using my words and his convincing to get us some money! Yeay!

May the God of all comfort be comforting you!