Monday, June 18, 2007


I was at home at the weekend to celebrate Mandy's birthday. Went out for lunch and shopping... was very lovely to be home if it was just for a few hours. Set Dad up on Facebook too, or 'myface' or 'facespace' whatever. It's getting too busy.

The babies came back from Cambridge safely and Charlie (my white boy who has been mistaken for my son) was on parade today. I'm taking him out on Wednesday if I can get the biro ink off his face. - if what I just wrote has made no sense, check out here.

There is a real baby at church. Lydia Gendi was born at 23.14 last monday and is very very cute. I'm a long way down the matriarchal list when it comes to holding the new baby, but I do have the other 3 Gendi children to keep my busy. Liz knows all about that!

Next weekend St Hugh's celebrate 40 years in their current building with bouncy castle, pimms, chocolate, cocktails, worship and dinner. It's going to be a great weekend. I'm anticipating lots of dancing and being shattered.