The poster a few of the young people made.
The second attempt at building a slum, which was a luxury. The roof stayed up all night and they really worked as a tem. I'm proud of them!!
Brave, brave souls, who stayed out both nights and did an amazing job at pulling together. They stopped complaining after a bit and even polished off the dhal I made.
Iain very kindly brought heat and light, so we went to bed warm on Saturday night.
So there we have it. We survived the weekend and have begun to collect money, starting with £200 from church! (there is still time to give at It's amazing the amount of support we had during the weekend. Lots of people came to visit us and some people stopped on the street to ask what was going on.
Sunday morning was spent leading the 11am, and they did so well, for having about 8 hours sleep all weekend!
Back to school and back to routine. Really looking forward to this term church-wise. I just love the run up to Christmas!