It's been a whole month since I last blogged, now I'm considered full term and could go into labour at any moment! As fun as that sounds, I'm feeling very apprehensive!
We have had a long month, things are going so slowly and so quickly all at once. It barely feels like its been 8 months, but then it may as well be years that I've been pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I've had no problems to speak of and definitely had a straightforward experience, but it seems so long and we could have another month to go!
The joy is that I finish work this Friday. I'm enjoying the light at the end of the tunnel feeling about this. Many of the ladies at work (parents and teachers) have comments about my size and state! Some are welcome, some are not. But I'll keep my mouth quiet on that one because I'm telling those people directly.
For now it's deep breaths and self imposed time outs for my sanity. Looking forward to the time off I might have before the baby arrives. Cleaning, cooking, sleeping and keeping up with events at home. I shall probably post some more things before I have a babe in arms and hope to post once he is here too. If you don't hear from me, I'm sure Dad or Liz may post before me.