Also managing to keep myself busy. On Sunday morning I talked to church about my Gap Year, whilst wearing a t-shirt with goingpublic on the front and my name on the back. It was great to see everyone, but also amazing to be back in one piece.

The lovely team (minus Matt) in our lovely tshirts, on the day we gave Emma (our team leader) a mousemat of us (with Matt).

Today I had a day off, but am on the hunt for bridesmaid dresses. Tomorrow I will find my self in Thorpe Park, having a day out with my lovely friends. And Wednesday I'm test driving a car for use next year (pray that I like the car, I can't afford anything else).
Its wedding season again, but only 1 for me this summer. Selina and Steve get married on Saturday and I'm very excited, not only to see them, but also to see eveyone else. It's gonna be a great day, pictures to follow.
So off to try on my outfit...