Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Biscuits and Circuses
This is the sunset I promised from yesterday. There are more here.
The title comes from the name of the cell I am currently a member of at St Mary's, but it also ties it to where I was last night.
I went to see the Moscow State Circus. It was so much fun to laugh with the girls and see some very talented individuals at work.
Really enjoyed forgetting the fact that I had a lot of work to do. But during the performance my little brother asked me (via text) if I would be at home at all this term. He wants the family to go out for dinner. I can't go back and I'm absolutely gutted. Now comes the time where I have to convince him to come and see me. A trip on the M25 and M1 should be interesting for him!
I will se my dissertation supervisor eventually, it transpires that she forgot her keys yesterday. Bless! I know how it feels to be that stressed, I've forgotten my keys once this week too.
Off to do some work for next Friday's presentation and try to pull some Alpha facts in to Sunday's talk.