So went to do the whole photocopying thing this afternoon, only to find that the chapter I want to photocopy has been ripped out of the book.
I'm praying for that person! And I will forgive them... eventually.
Rather excited now, gonna spend a weekend with Liz and getting to see her is always fun. I think.
I've had word that she's going to be winding me up about certain things. Sisters!
Oh, I found a great stress reliever, talk to some one you know whilst wearing mittens. Most of you will know about my mittens and how I talk when I'm wearing them. Its so funny. The other thing is messing up a boys hair, any boy will do, this is also very funny!
Turns out I had no need for a boy hug in the end, I just needed to talk to someone about all the stuff.
The report isn't done but I think I'll hand it in on monday when I've completed it.