I've finally caught up with God. After all this time I have got the message about what God would like me to feel, what he has done for me and how I can cope.
The passage that has been my theme this year is Psalm 145v8:
'The LORD is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and rich in love'
It came up twice yesterday. I can't imagine how I'd be feeling if I'd missed yesterday. I thinkI'd probably be in a deeper hole.
As it turns out I'm rather happy knowing that I can't do anything to earn God's grace I have it and I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to be here with a great bunch of friends. I don't deserve to have a family which I talk to and asks me if they can buy me concert tickets. I don't deserve to have Valentine's day with all the girls.
I can't explain the joy that I found yesterday. Knowing all these things, all I could do was praise the famous One.