Happy New Year to everyone out there! Whatever you did on New Years Eve I hope you had a good time.
Like I said before I was spending a few days in Cardiff, chilling out with all my mates from my gap year. It was really good to see them all, even if it was only for a few hours here and there. I miss them all very much and am very glad that I got the chance to see them.
I think my next trip away will probably be to Edinburgh to see Rachel... We'll see.
I spent over 8 hours driving this weekend and it's done me a load of good. Not just for my driving (am now a bit of a pro at over taking!) but for me. Having to be forced to sit down for a long time with no one to talk to is very interesting. I don't think I've felt this chilled in a long time.
We went for a a walk on New Years Day... wet, cold, snowed on and I nearly lost both my trainers at one point. Many thanks to Nick who carried me over the worst bits. Maybe next year I'll go to Cardiff on the 27th and come back well before New Year hits!
The world is slowly going back to work, wohoo! Pray for my youth, I'm being a bit hard core on them as soon as I get back!